€ 95,-
The Lute Music Published by Pierre Phalèse 1545- c.1575
(2023) 401p; 604p; 652p
3 volumes
This edition is devoted to the hundreds of lute works that were published over three decades by the Louvain publisher and printer Pierre Phalèse. In his lute books he included pieces by the best players from all over Europe,
such as Francesco da Milano, Luys de Narv.ez, Albert de Rippe, Jean-Paul Paladin, Melchior Neusidler and Valentin Bakfark, but also works by (mostly anonymous) lutenists from his own country. Up to now, this monument
of the lutenist’s art in the sixteenth-century Netherlands has not received the attention it deserves, from scholars nor from players. It is to be hoped that this book may help to redress that situation.
- Type Digitaal en Fysiek
- Serie Muziek uit de Republiek - Speciale Projecten (MR-SP)
- Auteur Jan W.J. Burgers
- Prijs € 110 (incl. 9% BTW) plus verzendkosten
- ISBN 978.906.375.234.7