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Johannes Tourout, Miscellanea
Including an introduction and critical commentary by Jaap van Benthem, completed by Eric Jas
Paperback cover
Ca. 125 pages
Retail price: € 90 (excluding shipping cost)
> Additionaly, registrators currently get a special discount price of € 250 for the entire set of five volumes.
About this publication
With the publication of the fifth and final volume, the KVNM honours the renowned Renaissance connoisseur, musicologist Jaap van Benthem, who died in January this year. It also presents the oeuvre of this remarkable 15th-century composer in a well-organised way and provides scholarly commentary.
In combination with an elaborate evaluation of more than a century of interest in the composer’s oeuvre, the present edition aims at a more user-friendly approach to his characteristic style. Taking into account various problems in dealing with the transmission of his oeuvre, as well as the general presumption that compositions by him may have been transmitted without an ascription, the edition will include ascribed compositions alongside anonymous settings, attributable to him. In this respect the five-volume edition may function as a ‘Baedeker’ for the composer’s musical world.
About the author
Jaap (Jacob B.) van Benthem (1937-2023) has taught music theory and related subjects at Utrecht University. He has published extensively, mainly in the journal Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (TVNM) and in essay volumes (see MGG2 Supplement). Together with Howard Mayer Brown he prepared the volume Secular Works for three voices in the New Josquin Edition (vol. 27) and is editor of the collected Masses and Mass Sections by Johannes Ockeghem (KVNM 1994–2005).