Albert Meijer (2013)
The IASPM/KVNM MA Popular Music Thesis Prize is awarded to Albert Meijer (Euroculture, University of Groningen) for his thesis Be My Guest: Nation Branding and National representation in the Eurovision Song Contest.
The jury members were very impressed with how this thesis engaged with a variety of theoretical and disciplinary perspectives. It also exhibited excellent and convincing argumentation, displayed high quality writing and a clear organizational structure. Finally, this thesis provided an innovative contribution to the particular field grounding the author’s chosen subject.
Speech by the chairwoman on May 30
Pauwke Berkers (Universitair Docent, Sociologie van Kunst en Cultuur, Erasmus Universiteit)
Koos Zwaan (Associate Lector Media, Cultuur en Burgerschap, hogeschool Inholland)
Kristin McGee (Universitair Docent Popmuziek, Kunst, Cultuur en Media, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen )
Jan van der Plas (Muziekjournalist en als docent verbonden aan Hogeschool InHolland en de Fontys Rockacademie)