Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands

The New Josquin Edition

In 1969, half a century after commissioning Albert Smijers to edit the music of Josquin, the 'Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis' published the last volume of the Werken van Josquin des Prez. Smijers's achievement was a monumental one, but in the decades after his death great strides were made in the field of musical source studies, and it was generally felt that Josquin's works deserved a new edition - one that would profit from the recent refinements and new methodologies in the study of musical sources. Soon after, an international team of musicologists started the preparation for this edition, collecting all known source material and laying down the editorial principles that would assure the musical and scientific value of the new edition.


In autumn 2016, the last volume of the New Josquin Edition, vol. 29 (Secular Works for Five Voices) has been published. An ambitious project has come to an end.


More information and samples


Interview taken by Paolo Scarnecchia with Willem Elders in the journal  Il Giornale della Musica, issue 2018‌: Josquinology (1919-2017): la monumentale edizione critica di Josquin Desprez