Albert Smijers Research Grant
The KVNM (Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands) invites students, independent PhD-students and independent scholars (with PhD) research grants. The grants are intended to support top-quality junior researchers and senior researchers whose work meets the objectives of the Society, i.e., who are conducting research in music of the Low Countries (broadly understood) and/or are studying at an accredited Dutch university or comparable institution of higher learning in The Netherlands. The maximum award will be EUR 500 per grant. Applicants must be members of the Society in good standing at the moment of application.
Upon conferral of a grant, grantees may be invited to present their research in a formal lecture or short presentation at one of the regular Meetings of the Society. Grant recipients are expected explicitly to credit the Society for its support in any publications resulting from the grant. There is no deadline; applications will be considered on a rolling basis by the Board of the Society, and applicants may normally expect notification about the outcome within 3-4 months.
For consideration, please send all of the following materials in PDF format to
- Cover letter containing contact information
- Short description of research project, including a section specifying how it meets the Society's stated objectives (ca. 500 words)
- Budget
- Letter of recommendation by applicant's supervisor (students, PhD-students)
- Copy of the PhD-certificate (independend researchers)
Albert Smijers (1888-1957) was professor in music history at the University of Utrecht.