Call for nominations Belle van Zuylen Prize for Artistic Research
The Royal Society for Music History of the Netherlands (KVNM) invites nominations for the Belle van Zuylen Prize for Artistic Research.
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In the tradition of awarding a variety of prizes in the field of music research, the KVNM has instituted a new prize this year: the Belle van Zuilen Prize ( This prize is intended for students who have carried out an outstanding artistic research project at Bachelor or Master level at a conservatoire in the Netherlands or Belgium. In principle, the prize is awarded every two years. We strongly encourage nominations that reflect the full diversity of artistic research (including, but not limited to research on historical and contemporary repertoires and performance practices that may come from any part of the world, compositional practices, the use of music technologies).
Nominations can be submitted by the supervisor of the research project or by the student themselves. Nominations require the submission of the following documents:
- The artistic research project. This can take the form of a written thesis, a video or audio presentation, a composed score with accompanying explanation of the project, or a form that mixes the above elements. Should you wish to submit a different sort of presentation form, please contact Annelies Andries (
- It is required that the presentation form shows how the research project integrates a research and a performance component, in its broadest sense.
- Proof that the student completed a Bachelor or Master at the Conservatoire in 2021-2022 or 2022-2023.
- Proof that this project has been assessed with at least an 8/10 (or equivalent grade).
Deadline for submitting nominations is 31 October 2023. The nominations will be assessed by a jury of artistic researchers specially selected for the occasion. It nominates a small group of students and submits them to the board. After approval, these students will be invited to present their project (scheduled for spring 2024). Based on these presentations, the jury will select the winning project.
You can email the nomination with documents to: