TVNM 2003
Volume LIII-1/2, 2003 | ||
Artikelen | ||
Introduction | 5 | |
Ike de Loos | Liturgy and Chant in the Northern Low Countries. | 9-48 |
Calvin M. Bower | The Sequence Repertoire of the Diocese of Utrecht. | 49-104 |
Leslie Lockett | The Composition and Transmission of a Fifteenth-Century Latin Retrograde Sequence Text from Deventer. | 105-150 |
Lori Kruckenberg | Some Observations on a Troparium Tardivum. The Proper Tropes in Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 417. | 151-182 |
Alexander Blachly | Archaic Polyphony in Dutch Sources of the Renaissance. | 183-228 |
Rob Dückers | The New Fire. The Triduum Sacrum at St. Servaas's and Our Lady's at Maastricht, According to Their Ordinarii Custodum. | 229-276 |
Ghisela Gerritsen-Geywitz | Die Chorbücher des Utrechter Marienkapitels | 277- 311 |